Project Stream Soils Data


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Soil properties - Soil data have been collected at Project Stream each summer from 2014-2016. Data were collected using the same quadrat system utilized for vegetation cover data. The dataset includes denitrification potential, microbial biomass C, respiration, soil NO3, soil NH4, soil TIN, microbial biomass N, mineralization potential, nitrification potential, soil moisture, soil organic matter, bulk density, pH, soil temperature, and redox. Most variables are located in the Project Stream Soil Data_MasterSheet.xlsx file. Additional data for pH, soil temperature, redox are located in the ProjectStreamGHGData_MasterSpreadsheet.xlsx file. Greenhouse gas data - Measures of greenhouse gas emissions from the soil have been collected at Project Stream each summer from 2015-2016. Data were collected using the same quadrat system utilized for vegetation cover and soil properties data. The dataset includes soil moisture, headspace measures to indicate the volume of the chamber being sampled, whether there was standing water on site, site temperature, and fluxes of CH4, CO2, and N2O. These data are stored in the ProjectStreamGHGData_MasterSpreadsheet.xlsx file.



Project Stream, greenhouse gas, soil, emissions, flux, methane, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, soil emissions, soil properties, denitrification, microbial biomass, respiration, soil nitrate, N03, NH4, nitrogen, carbon, mineralization, nitrification, soil moisture, soil organic matter, bulk density, pH, soil temperature, redox
