CO2 Exchange

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    Growing season mean ecosystem carbon dioxide fluxes and peak season vegetation at Mer Bleue Fertilization experiment 2001-2013
    (Multiple, partly unpublished) Bubier, Jill; Juutinen, Sari; Larmola, Tuula; Moore, Tim; Bubier, Jill: Mount Holyoke College; Moore, Tim: McGill University, Montreal Quebec; Bubier, Jill; Juutinen, Sari; Larmola, Tuula; Moore, Tim; Juutinen, Sari: University of Helsinki; Larmola, Tuula: University of Helsinki; Gaytri Bahtia: Mount Holyoke College; Meaghan Murphy: Mount Holyoke College; Rose Smith: Mount Holyoke College; Vi Bui: Mount Holyoke College; Julia Palorinne: University of Helsinki; Jani Antila: University of Helsinki; Lauren Thompson: McGill University
    Seasonal means of light saturated (PAR > 1000 micromol m-2 s-1) ecosystem carbon dioxide fluxes, temperatures and water table and peak season vegetation observations at Mer Bleue Fertilization experiment, Ottawa, Canada. CO2 fluxes were measured with a transparent, climate-controlled chamber and shrouds during May-August in 2001-2011. During the time period, most of the collars in Experiment 1 (control O and treatments PK, 5N, 5NPK started in 2000; 10NPK, 20NPK in 2001) were measured in 2001, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2011 and most collars in Experiment 2 (Control X and treatments 10N, 20N started in 2005) in 2008, 2009, 2011. Seasonal means were based on approximately 10 flux measurements from May-August (see MBfert_NetCO2Exchange_instantflux_2001-2011.xls). Vegetation measurements include the height of the shrub canopy, and Sphagnum and Polytrichum moss cover recorded in July 2000-2013. During the time period, the collars in Experiment 1 (control O and treatments PK, 5N, 5NPK 10NPK, 20NPK) were measured in 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013 and the collars in Experiment 2 (Control X and treatments 10N, 20N) in 2005 (moss cover only), 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013. Also included are estimates for plant area indices (LAI) 2008, 2009, 2011 (See methods).
  • ItemRestricted
    Instantaneous ecosystem carbon dioxide fluxes at Mer Bleue Fertilization experiment 2001-2011
    (Multiple, partly unpublished) Bubier, Jill; Juutinen, Sari; Larmola, Tuula; Moore, Tim; Bubier, Jill: Mount Holyoke College; Moore, Tim: McGill University, Montreal Quebec; Bubier, Jill; Juutinen, Sari; Larmola, Tuula; Moore, Tim; Juutinen, Sari: University of Helsinki; Larmola, Tuula: University of Helsinki; Gaytri Bahtia: Mount Holyoke College; Meaghan Murphy: Mount Holyoke College; Rose Smith: Mount Holyoke College; Vi Bui: Mount Holyoke College; Julia Palorinne: University of Helsinki; Jani Antila: University of Helsinki; Lauren Thompson: McGill University
    Instantaneous ecosystem carbon dioxide fluxes at Mer Bleue Fertilization experiment, Ottawa, Canada, measured with a transparent, climate-controlled chamber and shrouds during May-August in 2001-2011. During the time period, the collars in Experiment 1 (control O and treatments PK, 5N, 5NPK started in 2000; 10NPK, 20NPK in 2001) were measured in 2001, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2011 and the collars in Experiment 2 (Control X and treatments 10N, 20N started in 2005) in 2008, 2009, 2011.
The data contained on this site are available upon request with the following qualifications. We would like to know how researchers are using our data, including analyses and publication plans. Please acknowledge the data source by using the URIs provided by this site. If we feel that we should be offered participation as authors, we require mutual agreement prior to publishing the data. If the intended use of the data directly competes with our analyses, we may ask that we have first priority to submit a manuscript using unpublished data. Researchers are urged to contact the authors of these data if any questions about methodology or results arise. These data may be updated from time to time, and it is the data user’s responsibility to insure that any analyses or publications contain the most recent version of the data. In addition to informing us of plans, we kindly request preprints and updates on publication status.

Access protocol: Researchers who would like to use these datasets should contact Jill Bubier ( or Tim Moore (