Resolution 74-11 (CM): Support of Assembly Bill 1081
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In this Resolution, the City Council of the City of Watsonville declares support of Assembly Bill 1081 entitled "State Government: Federal Immigration Policy Enforcement" as introduced on February 18, 2011, and as amended in the Assembly Committee on Public Safety on April 15, 2011.
Sanctuary Policies, Assembly Bill (AB) 1081, "State Government: Federal Immigration Policy Enforcement", Chapter 17.1 (commencing with Section 7282 to Division 7 of Title 1 of the Government Code), Department of Homeland Security, Secure Communities Program (''S-Comm"), Federal immigration law, Fingerprints, Databases, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)'s Interoperability Report (February 10, 2011), "Non-criminals", Santa Cruz County, Racial profiling, Assembly Committee on Public Safety, City Clerk, State Assembly Members, Senator, Governor