
Permanent URI for this community

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Houston, S. & Molnar, C. (2020). New Sanctuary Movement. World Religions and Spirituality Project.

Houston, S. & Morse, C. (2017). The ordinary and extraordinary: Producing migrant inclusion and exclusion in US sanctuary movements. Studies in Social Justice 11(1), 27-47.

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Ridgley, J. (2012). The city as a sanctuary in the United States. In R. Lippert and S. Rehaag (Eds.), Sanctuary practices in international perspectives: Migration, citizenship, and social movements, (pp. 219—231). Routledge.

Mapping U.S. Sanctuary Policies (desktop and laptop version) and Mapping U.S. Sanctuary Policies (mobile-friendly version) by Serin D. Houston and Anastasia Tucker are licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
