Resolution 277.08: Reaffirming the Safe Space Policy


In this Resolution, the Corporate Authorities of the Town authorize the Town President to reaffirm the Town of Cicero's Safe Space Policy.



Sanctuary Policies, President, Corporate Authorities, Illinois General Assembly, The "Charter", Constitution of the State of Illinois, State of Illinois, Article VII, Section 6 of the Illinois Constitution of 1970, Citizenship, Residency Status, Cicero Police Department General Orders 61-01-02 and 301 (known as the "Safe Space Policy"), Immigrants, Town Agents, Civil immigration laws, Chicago, Los Angeles, St. Paul, Maine and Oregon, Immigration, Department of Homeland Security, Law Enforcement Entities, Public Safety Services, Undocumented immigrant, Foreign passport or matricula consular (consulate-issued document), Illinois driver's license, I-9 forms, Federal immigration agents, Cicero Police Office of Internal Affairs and/or the Inspector General, Interfaith Leadership Project & Latino Union, Town Board, Town Clerk

