Resolution LM-2011-0330: Secure Communities Program


In this Resolution, the New Haven Board of Aldermen calls upon the administration of the Connecticut governor to refuse to honor administrative detainers issued under the Secure Communities program except in the case of a person who has been identified as a confirmed match in the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBl)'s terrorist screening database or convicted of a serious violent criminal offense.



Sanctuary Policies, Administration of Connecticut Governor, Administrative detainers, Secure Communities program, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBl)'s terrorist screening database, Connecticut Congressional Delegation, Mayor, Local law enforcement agencies, Federal immigration, Fairfield County, Department of Homeland Security, Criminal record, New Haven Police Department General Order 06-02, Civil immigration laws, Racial stereotyping, Department of Homeland Security's Task Force on Secure Communities ("OHS Task Force"), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Immigration detainers, City Clerk

