Resolution 10-0210R: Opposition to Proposed State Legislation – “Arizona” Anti-Immigration Law
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In this Resolution, City Council of the City of Baltimore expresses opposition to the introduction of anti-immigration law in Maryland that criminalizes immigration and encourages racial profiling.
Sanctuary Policies, Proposed legislation, “Arizona” Anti-Immigration Law, Immigration, Racial profiling, Baltimore City Senate and House Delegations to the 2011 Maryland General Assembly, Maryland State Legislature, Federal immigration laws, “an alien registration document”, Green card or other proof of citizenship, Arizona Association of Chiefs of Police, ACLU, NAACP, Anti-Defamation League, Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, National Council of La Raza, Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, National Immigration Law Center, National Day Laborer Organizing Network, Asian American Center for Advancing Justice, First Amendment, Governor’s Commission of Hispanic Affairs Annual Report 2008 2009, Mayor, Governor, Maryland Delegation to the 111th Congress, Baltimore City Senate and House Delegations to the 2011 Session of the Maryland General Assembly, President, Casa de Maryland, Legislative Liaison to the City Council