Resolution 135-12: Supporting the TRUST Act
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In this Resolution, recorded as File Number 120324, the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco supports Assembly Bill 1081 the TRUST Act, a bill that establishes standards for local governments to ensure that an individual will only be detained pursuant to an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) hold if that individual has been convicted of a serious or violent felony, and provides safeguards against profiling and the wrongful detention of citizens.
Sanctuary Policies, Assembly Bill 1081, the Transparency and Responsibility Using State Tools "TRUST" Act, Local governments, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) holds, Serious or violent felony, Wrongful detention, "Secure Communities" ("S-Comm") program, Fingerprint information, Local or state law enforcement, Citizen or non- citizen, Department of Homeland Security, Criminal record, Governors of Illinois, New York, and Massachusetts, Law enforcement officials, Office of the Inspector General, Congress, Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Congressional Progressive Caucus, Los Angeles Congressional Delegation, President, Racial profiling, Deportation, Detainer requests, California legislature, Governor, Attorney General, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Assemblymember, San Francisco representatives in the state legislature, Senator, Office of the Inspector General, President, Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Congress, Comprehensive immigration reform