Rona, AnaRomero-Díaz, NievesGreenfield, LauraCastro-Cuenca, EstherAndersen, Kelsey2011-02-162011-02-162011-02-162010-05-31 objective of my thesis is to identify the strategies of various Spanish<>English translators and interpreters in their translation of emotions in relation to Eugene Nida s concept of dynamic equivalency. Nida contrasts dynamic equivalence with formal equivalence suggesting that the former is more focused on the accuracy of the function of the translation than on strict form and content. The goal, according to Nida, is for the original message to function the same in the target language as it did in the source language. The translation of emotion is particularly pertinent to the study of dynamic equivalency because of the nature of an expression of emotion as something intangible and functional. Translation and emotion are both active concepts that participate within a context. Translation is a recreation of an expression into words of a target language just as an expression of emotion is a recreation of a feeling put into words. An analysis of the strategies employed in the translation of emotion is relevant because emotion, as something inherently difficult to express in any language, is essential for self expression. A literal translation of emotion can be limiting; therefore, I concentrate my study on the function of the expression when investigating strategies of accuracy in translations. I study three realms of translation: literary translation (poetry), court interpretation, and medical interpretation. My goal is to see if the translators strategies when dealing with the expression of emotion help us better understand our navigation of linguistic difference and limitation. The method of the study centers on interviews and observations of the work of three translators: Roberto Márquez, translator of poetry, Sam Martin, legal interpreter, and Antonia Carcelén, medical interpreter. The study also includes observations from an internship shadowing Mr. Martin at the Holyoke District Court. Do these translators and interpreters aim for functional equivalence or prioritize a formal and literal equivalence in their work? How do they go about a faithful translation in their various contexts? The problems they encounter and the strategies they utilize can provide a supportive practical approach to Nida s theory of equivalence.esTranslationEmotionSpanishLa Traduccion de Emocion: Llegando a una EquivalenciaThesispublic