Fry Demetria, Ariel2019-04-222019-04-222017-10-202019-04-22 I decided I wanted to major in economics, I felt relieved. I would live a normal life and have a normal job. The path of studying economics felt stable to me. Normal would be far from anything I was ever accustomed to, but it would be a change I could come to accept. My interest in economics led me to interning at the Daraja Academy, located in the center of Kenya. I worked as a business administrative intern at a residential high school for girls. Developing an online point of sale, researching potential partner organizations, and creating data entries were all useful real-life tools and tasks I would need in order to be successful in the field of economics. Although economics led me to the Daraja Academy, the Daraja Academy led me to a place where I realized I want to do more. I want to have more and create more than just a professional life as a normal economist. In my presentation, I will speak about my experience in Kenya, how working in this field helped me discover exactly what I want to do, and led me to a path far away from economics.en-USData Entries from the African DiasporaTeaching for a Differencepublic