2024-03-222024-03-222014-10-08http://hdl.handle.net/10166/6518Ordinance C35167 adopts the new section 3.10.050 within chapter 3.10 of the Spokane Municipal Code which dictates that, unless required by law or court order, no Spokane City officer or employee shall inquire into the immigration status of any person, or engage in activities designed to ascertain the immigration status of any person. Additionally, the Spokane Police Department shall not investigate, arrest, or detain an individual based solely on immigration status.PDFen-USSanctuary PoliciesSpokane Municipal CodeChapter 3.10, section 3.10.050 of the Spokane Municipal CodeSpokane Police Department Policy Manual No. 428.4Spokane Police Department Policy Manual No. 428.3.1Spokane Police Department Policy Manual No. 428.1Ordinance C35167: Immigration Status InformationOrdinance