Roberts, Amanda2015-08-242015-08-242014-10-172015-08-24 criminal justice system in the United States is anything but systematic. The virtues of justice are sullied by corrupt policies, racism, and ignorance. And instead of punishment and neglect, the criminalized often need the most emotional and physical support. At The Greenburger Center for Social and Criminal Justice these issues compelled them to help remedy this broken system. As their first intern I dove headfirst into myriad complex and compelling social and criminal justice issues. Through my own exploration and interactions with others I was surprised, revolted, and moved by the various perceptions about mass incarceration, mental illness, youth delinquency, racism, and privilege. This experience challenged my ideas about justice along with my own identity within the context of a larger (unjust) society.en-USIdentity as PerceptionCan I See Your ID?: Interpreting Self and Society the World Overpublic