2024-03-222024-03-222006-10-04http://hdl.handle.net/10166/6631In this Resolution, the Newark Municipal Council reminds all City officers and employees that no person shall be denied any City services or benefits due to immigration status.PDFen-USSanctuary PoliciesMunicipal enforcement of federal immigration lawsImmigration statusCity services"Confidential information"Personal or private attributesAuthorized disclosureCity agencyIllegal activityCriminal activity"Undocumented alien"State or Federally funded Public Benefits programs"Qualified" immigrantCitizen children of undocumented parentsDriver's license or non-driver's licenseConsular identificationForeign nationalFederal authoritiesCity of Newark Law DepartmentResolution 7RBB (AS): Supporting City-wide Policy of Immigrant Access to City ServicesResolution