2024-03-222024-03-222012-06-04http://hdl.handle.net/10166/6681In this Resolution, the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors establishes policy dictating that immigration detainer requests from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) shall be honored only if specified criteria is met. Note: the date associated with this Resolution is taken from the Milwaukee County Legislative Information Center.PDFen-USSanctuary PoliciesMilwaukee County policyDetainer requestsDepartment of Homeland SecurityImmigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)Secure Communities programLocal law enforcement agenciesUndocumented aliensDeportationMilwaukee County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO)Immigration enforcementFederal governmentNon-criminal aliensTerrorist watch listResolution 12-135: Detainer RequestsResolution