2024-03-222024-03-222006-05-08http://hdl.handle.net/10166/6626In this Resolution, the Cambridge City Council reaffirms its commitment as a Sanctuary City and endorses the platform of the National Alliance of Latin American and Caribbean Communities’ Keep Our Families Together Campaign.PDFen-USSanctuary PoliciesSanctuary cityCity Council Order Number 4 of April 8, 1985US-Mexico border“Free trade” economic policiesUndocumented immigrantsBorder Patrol, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act (H.R. 4437)“Illegal” and “alien”Nationwide workplace raids on April 17, 2006Homeland Security SecretaryLegal permanent residencyMaywood, Huntington Park and Coachella, CAChicagoSan FranciscoKeep Our Families Together CampaignDepartment of Homeland Security (DHS)Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)Congress"Undocumented”“Immigrant”SenateCity ClerkMassachusetts Congressional delegationResolution O-16: Reaffirm Commitment as a Sanctuary CityResolution