Blaetz, RobinLee, AnthonyMontague, ElliotGoodwin, HannahMarie, Francesca Beatrice2022-08-222022-08-222022-08-22 submission includes the 30 minutes short documentary film and the theoretical component that comes with it. If you are interested in the process of filmmaking, I have two documentary journals (two notebooks that capture the filmmaking process which include: footage selection notes, interview scheduling, roadblocks and troubleshooting, things I learned, theoretical ideas that fit the project, etc.) Please contact me at if you want to access the documentary journals, and/or you would like to talk about the project.This project came to mind at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, in March of 2020, showing how the pandemic affected academia and how it impacted people's lives. The Covid-19 pandemic has been a crucial moment in history, and the title focuses on capturing the emotion behind a time that will forever change the way we look at the world. The film, portrayed through my eyes and structured in an experimental documentary format, captures this unique moment in time, and marks its existence in history. This project’s goals were to focus on emotions that highlight the emptiness, loneliness, and raw reality of the world we live in, along with people’s personal experiences during interviews. The project also highlights that we were (and still are) in a pandemic together, yet we all experiencing it differently. In addition, this project is a tribute to my late mentor R. Wayne Gray. He constantly encouraged me during the pre-production stage that this project and capturing this moment in history was important.en-USdocumentaryshort documentaryexperimental filmblack and whitecovid-19creative thesisdocumentary thesisin deep watersThesispublic